Old map Schattenberge (Raron County, Canton Valais, Switzerland).

Family tree
Schattenberger Werlen


Additional information and pictures on our special site Schattenberge (in German).



For privacy reasons we will only publish the names of living persons with their permission and we will not publish any birth- or marriage-dates, notes or photographs of living persons.
As in Valais family links were systematically registered since the 17th century only (in 17th century incomplete), please be aware that before 1700 Valais family tree data are partial hypothetical. In order to respect today's genealogical rules, we show in the Schattenberger family tree only family links (descendants) proven by parish registers or other verified documents.

Sources family-tree: Parish register + Others.


Place names
In the family tree mentioned places are among others Ackermatten, Achren, Baechi, Birchen, Boden, Gerbern, Gebreiten, Hasel, Imholz, Muracher, Nessiern, Wissigen, Zen Hisren (Zenhaeusern) and Zenwerligen. In our days this places belong to the villages of Unterbaech and Buerchen (Birchen). See also Schattenberge map above (published in 1910).

On the Schattenberge map you will find a little below from Unterbaech the place Zenwerligen (also Zen Werligen or Werlingen). In Europe there are other Werligen / Werlingen places. Place names ending with –igen, -ingen (in Latin –ense, in French –ens, in Italian –engo) generally derivate from a Germanic settler, bearing a Werl name. As in Valais there are no other Werl-ingen / Verl-ens places it could be possible that all Valais Werlen originate from Zenwerligen. See also The name's origin


Index names
Names (individuals). Access via various links, e.g. : here


Index surnames
Surnames connected by marriage. Access via various links, e.g.: here.


Descendants list
All trees. Also recommended for printing.
Access via various links, e.g.: here.
Hint: Search individuals via CTRL+F.

Pedigree chart
Detailed information about an individual and his family. Via the links to his ancestors or descendants you can browse to every family-tree position.
Access: Via index-names, respectively via index surnames.



  Regarding Schattenberger Genealogy   Other lines and webmaster

  Leander Werlen
  Gliserallee 87
  CH-3902  Glis

  Franco Werlen
  Rosenweg 4
  CH-4153  Reinach




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